Saturday, August 10, 2019

Senseless Society

Oblivious to the pain they cause because their hearts are guarded like a cemented wall...

Instead of selfless actions, we are left with less of self because inside they are bitter , confused, & alone ;although outwardly they appear to be big, bad , & strong.

I wish that cowards could put down the guns..
Instead another Mother is left without a son...

To the drunks.... I wish you’d think before you get behind that wheel...

We know your intentions are “never to kill”
;yet with your wayward thinking & drunken cloudy thoughts ,
In just one instance your actions have caused one dreams & ambitions to stop...

To those of you in an abusive relationship; know that abuse comes both physically & mentally.
Know that what you are enduring is far from the norm & there is never nothing right about someone causing you harm.

Hands up,don’t shoot...
Me being the mother of an African American young man....
Me having brothers,a dad, & other friends..
I refuse, I won’t & I can’t be mute..

Blue lives matters... Black lives matters...
Truth of the matter , All lives matters..
But we have got to be real & open our eyes to the unfairness, the injustices  & unnecessary deaths....

To those experiencing thoughts & feelings out of the norm....
Please know that you are loved & needed.
Seeking  help & counsel is here for you....
So please, do not do harm....

This world is cold & fast & will make you feel worthless....
But I pray that my memo gives you strength & let’s you know that someone cares & I’m praying for you to be your best!

Mrs. iMe™️