Saturday, September 14, 2019

iMe™️: Just Being Mom "me"

 This week was challenging from a mother's standpoint.
I battled with balancing my mommy time, my work time, my business time, & most importantly , my " me time."

I struggled internally with myself that I am not there. I found myself blaming me for some the challenges my kids are facing. Although small challenges, to me, it is a challenge.
I became overwhelmed & tried to figure out, what can I do better.

In that instance, it came to me... NOTHING. I can't do anything in this moment, but PRAY.

Why? because what appears to be a challenge or an obstacle to me is easily & readily removable by God.

I immediately knew that "I needed to take my hands off some things & just give it to God!"

It is so easy to fall into that "rescue mode" as a mother.....
However, it's important to acknowledge & recognize that we can't do it all.

I woke up this morning renewed mentally & spiritually.

I recognize that there may be  many other mom's/women who feel or struggle with similiar thoughts.

My encouragement from me to you:
"Differences, disagreements, & disappointments will try to deter you from your destiny.
But dedication, determination, & discipline will drive you to your destiny"

Stay focused on what matters & those things you can't control/fix, give it God.

You got this sis!

Mrs. iMe™️

iMe™⏩⏩I'm Me
Embrace Your Beauty & Uniqueness

Grab some tea.. check out my Pray Hustle Shine Mug!

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