Saturday, May 22, 2021

Some Days….

 Some days I find myself being so hard on myself … asking myself 

• Why are you such a go getter?

•Why are you such an overachiever?

•Why can you just not let this task go?

• Why? Why ?

Why this, why that? The truth of the matter is that I am who I am & I am who God made me to be.

He blessed me with a strong mentality that enables me to be what some see as an overachiever,  but what I see as determination….

I’m learning to not listen to the chatter, the stereotypes,  and the biasness that most strong black women endure.

The battles of the mind is a strong self battle that a lot of us go through , but recognizing that the battle is with self is a great step & place to start.

Some days this will be easier than others, but if we can learn & remember to embrace our individuality, beauty, & uniqueness that we all carry, then this can be the perfect step to moving towards a better day, a better mindset, and a better you!๐Ÿ’œ

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iMe™ Revived Affirmation Cards

Saturday, March 20, 2021

How it All Started๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€

March 2020.... a month, a year, a moment we all will never forget. It was this time last year that the what we all know as a normal way of life came to complete stop. ๐Ÿ›‘ 

Without much of a warning ⚠️, last year we were prompted to ✋ stop & sit still. We didn’t know then that the  moment of sitting still would turn into hours ,weeks, & then months.

So as we have moved forward & are now in March 2021, I have learned to be grateful for more things . I’ve learned to be thankful, just go with the flow. I recalled years ago at this time, 2001 to be exact, I was hella stressed  ๐Ÿ˜ฉ . 20 years ago in the month of March, I had to make the decision of being a Mom or not being a Mom.Yep, I was college Freshman on a full ride Academic Scholarship at the HBCU College of my choice that I’d always wanted to attend. And like most of young adults, poor decisions were made.

I’ll never forget the moment I heard the words,”Your pregnancy test is Positive.” I recalled the room spinning, me sitting there thinking to myself ,”Kesha, what have you done?

Child, there were so many thoughts ๐Ÿ’ญsmh

So fast forward, I’m trying to hide this pregnancy right. I attempted to make these appointments on my own, in a city I didn’t know, with insurance I didn’t have , because I knew good & damn well I wasn’t going to even attempt to use my parents insurance that I had at the time; especially if the goal was to DENY DENY DENY ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿพ‍♀️

So I’m  visiting all these clinics & docs & at this one appointment, the nurse or provider ?? Not sure honestly what their role were at that time in my life, but she looks at me and ask”Are you sure you want to keep the baby?”

I have always been ProLife, so I thought, but in that moment, I seriously thought “An abortion may not be so bad.” I didn’t make a decision that day,  but I left the office in deep thought. I remember calling my boyfriend & letting him know that I was thinking about abortion. 

I didn’t realize it then, but I now see how blessed I was to have me a young man of noble character to talk me out of an abortion. 

Present day March 2021, we are married with 2 beautiful kids whom I love dearly ๐Ÿ’•. Now kid #2 is a story to tell as well  but that’s definitely a different and future blog post ๐Ÿ˜‰.

So if you follow my social media, my word for the week is “persevere”.

To persevere is to continue in a course of action even in the face of difficulty or with little or no prospect of success.        Oxford Languages

Through all the struggles I encountered, the end goal is what kept me moving. The haters and the nay sayers kept me motivated. My parents & close friends kept me grounded. God kept me intact๐Ÿ™๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿพ.

Life comes with its peaks & valleys and twist & turns. However, we don’t have to allow those valleys to keep us down. We don’t have to live and wonder in our mistakes. 

Had I stayed mentally stuck in the “what if’s” so many years ago, I would have never had a chance to be the best version of me.๐Ÿ’œ

So choose to persevere, push forward, & keep going....

You’ll be so blessed & thankful for the beautiful & fulfilled version of you!

Mrs. iMe™                                                                 IG➡️@ime_0308

๐Ÿ’œEmbrace Your Beauty & Uniqueness๐Ÿ’œ

๐Ÿ“ฒClick link below to purchase your Classic iMe™ Tee๐Ÿ“ฒ.


Thursday, March 11, 2021

Some Days.......

Somedays are easier than others to not let "life" distract me. Some days I have to push harder to stay focused, but I refuse to lose.
Today is difficult for me.....
I tend to take on other's burdens & not understand why some things just can't be....
I tend to always want to make the attempt to make things better....even when other's have no desire.
I tend to see the beauty in those situations that appear to be far from beautiful....
I tend to remain optimistic in spite of what it appears to be......
But some days being that person does not come easy.
Some days I need someone to be "that person" for me...
Some days I need someone to understand me..
Some days I need someone to be sensitive for me...
Some days I'd like to held...and not have to deal.....
Some days the struggle is so REAL.......

Mrs. iMe™️

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Embrace Your Beauty & Uniqueness

As you see your reflection in the mirror, look beyond the flaws, frustrations, & the pain.....๐Ÿฅ€
I encourage & remind you to focus on the good, the growth , & all the gain....๐ŸŒน
I want to remind you that there is beauty in the struggle...๐ŸŒบ
I encourage you to turn any pain into purpose & allow your true and beautiful you to resurface!⛅️
Embrace the Beauty & Uniqueness I’m being you! #iMe

Be blessed !
Mrs. iMe™️

iMe™⏩⏩I'm Me
Embrace Your Beauty & Uniqueness 

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

iMe™️ Salutes the Class of 2020

So this week it has become more & more of a reality that there is a possibility that our seniors who have been working so hard may not possibly have a graduation ceremony.

While it's a total understanding of why the break is needed, it still is unfair.
Our kids won't get to have those last senior year memories.......
And while I was in my feelings, I had to remind myself that  "this too shall pass."
I also had to remind myself that in the midst of all the pain, I must perservere.

Not only must I perservere, but I have to be strong &  supportive of the senior that I have.
After all, she is the one who this affects the most.
I am praying for her, her classmates, & all the families affected by this.

So for all the seniors, parents, & class of 2020...
I'd like to leave you with this quote & keepsake that I have made for my 2020 senior.

From Mrs. iMe™️  herself to the class of 2020...... Remember

" The Rona's not stopping this diploma! "

I salute you Class of 2020!

Mrs. iMe™️

iMe™⏩⏩I'm Me

Embrace Your Beauty & Uniqueness 

Saturday, September 14, 2019

iMe™️: Just Being Mom "me"

 This week was challenging from a mother's standpoint.
I battled with balancing my mommy time, my work time, my business time, & most importantly , my " me time."

I struggled internally with myself that I am not there. I found myself blaming me for some the challenges my kids are facing. Although small challenges, to me, it is a challenge.
I became overwhelmed & tried to figure out, what can I do better.

In that instance, it came to me... NOTHING. I can't do anything in this moment, but PRAY.

Why? because what appears to be a challenge or an obstacle to me is easily & readily removable by God.

I immediately knew that "I needed to take my hands off some things & just give it to God!"

It is so easy to fall into that "rescue mode" as a mother.....
However, it's important to acknowledge & recognize that we can't do it all.

I woke up this morning renewed mentally & spiritually.

I recognize that there may be  many other mom's/women who feel or struggle with similiar thoughts.

My encouragement from me to you:
"Differences, disagreements, & disappointments will try to deter you from your destiny.
But dedication, determination, & discipline will drive you to your destiny"

Stay focused on what matters & those things you can't control/fix, give it God.

You got this sis!

Mrs. iMe™️

iMe™⏩⏩I'm Me
Embrace Your Beauty & Uniqueness

Grab some tea.. check out my Pray Hustle Shine Mug!

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Senseless Society

Oblivious to the pain they cause because their hearts are guarded like a cemented wall...

Instead of selfless actions, we are left with less of self because inside they are bitter , confused, & alone ;although outwardly they appear to be big, bad , & strong.

I wish that cowards could put down the guns..
Instead another Mother is left without a son...

To the drunks.... I wish you’d think before you get behind that wheel...

We know your intentions are “never to kill”
;yet with your wayward thinking & drunken cloudy thoughts ,
In just one instance your actions have caused one dreams & ambitions to stop...

To those of you in an abusive relationship; know that abuse comes both physically & mentally.
Know that what you are enduring is far from the norm & there is never nothing right about someone causing you harm.

Hands up,don’t shoot...
Me being the mother of an African American young man....
Me having brothers,a dad, & other friends..
I refuse, I won’t & I can’t be mute..

Blue lives matters... Black lives matters...
Truth of the matter , All lives matters..
But we have got to be real & open our eyes to the unfairness, the injustices  & unnecessary deaths....

To those experiencing thoughts & feelings out of the norm....
Please know that you are loved & needed.
Seeking  help & counsel is here for you....
So please, do not do harm....

This world is cold & fast & will make you feel worthless....
But I pray that my memo gives you strength & let’s you know that someone cares & I’m praying for you to be your best!

Mrs. iMe™️