Wednesday, April 5, 2017

iMe Melanated & Educated Part 1

 Being educated and aware is a beautiful thing. However, unfortunately, in such an ignorant and demeaning world, it is not an expected quality  of everyone.  Chauvinism goes so many ways. It's not just a male/ female thing. It goes so many ways. It occurs in many job atmospheres. It occurs in many races. Sadly, it's real.
    I choose to elaborate on my experiences with chauvinism. The first issue is that I am a young African American woman. The second issue is that I am educated. The third issue is that I am confident. The fourth issue is that I am opinionated.
 Being a young , educated, opinionated, African American woman sums up to INTIMIDATION for some.
WHY? Don't ask me, I am the receiver of the issue, not the giver?
I feel it is important to educate yourself . You have been given the opportunity to receive education, to better yourself, to be better, so why not make the best of that opportunity???
Now I do feel that there is a big difference between being educated and being a know that arrogant,cocky,SOB...yes I said it and yes there's a difference.

To be continued on part 2...

Author: Mrs. iMe™

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